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I'm Béla Ormos, web- and game developer. At least I love to develop games, so it became my hobby. But web developing is my profession, and I like it as well. This site is coming from mixing this two things, where I can publish my developments and I can gratify my passion. Our page is on Facebook as well. The Facebook page is mostly managed by my wife, Enikő. Enikő gives me useful tips about the site also, since she see things as a user. So we complete each other.

If you would like to get some tip or idea, I will gladly help you. Of course, if I have time and I have the knowledge to do this. For example one of the ad network I use is

If you would like to use their ads in your game then click here.
Below I would like to collect my games, and provide some information about them. How came the idea. How it's made. And things like that.

Click for me
That was my first game. It's about one year old now. There was a lot of "Don't click" game and I thought why not could be a "Click" game. Fisrt of all I made it to learn the programing language, but it achieved relativly big success on Thailand.

Brain test
The second games is similar to the first some way. The idea came from an e-mail. I thought why not to share it in this way. I was planed similar type games/tests. Hopefully it is good as the first was.

This is my first real game. It seems a bit hard. But it has a big advantage that the time doesn't matter so if you are at work or in the school and want to have some fun you can still play this game.

Karácsonyi sürgés-forgás
Thing are much more easier if you have any help. ;) I give this to your for Christmas!
Húsvéti mérlegelés Another game for fun. You have to keep the balance!

Here comes my second real game! I made it alone as well. You can see it if you try the game, since I'm not an artist. But if you would like to have great fun, you will enjoy it! The original idea is playable on hard difficulty. Keep in mind that not the random marked that gameplay as hard!
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Ormos Béla